Litwin, Ashley, and Corinne Low. “Measuring Discrimination with Experiments.” In Handbook of Experimental Methods in the Social Sciences, edited by Alex Rees-Jones, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, forthcoming.
Kessler, Judd, Corinne Low, and Xiaoyue Shan. “Lowering the Playing Field: Discrimination through Sequential Spillover Effects.” Review of Economics and Statistics (2024): 1-28.
Chiappori, Pierre-André and Corinne Low. “Frictionless one-to-one matching with transfers: Theory.” In Handbook of the Economics of Matching, edited by Yeon-Koo Che, Pierre-André Chiappori, and Bernard Salanié, 1-39. North Holland, 2024.
Low, Corinne. “The Human Capital – ‘Reproductive Capital’ Tradeoff on the US Marriage Market.” Journal of Political Economy 132, no. 2 (2024): 337-721.
Low, Corinne. “Pricing the Biological Clock: The Marriage Market Costs of Aging to Women.” Journal of Labor Economics 42 no. 2 (2024): 395-426.
Lafortune, Jeanne and Corinne Low. “Collateralized Marriage.” AEJ: Applied Economics 15, no. 4 (2023): 252-291.
Huang, Jennie and Corinne Low. “The Myth of the Male Negotiator: The Role of Gender in Negotiation Strategies and Outcomes.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 202 (2022): 517-532.
Bau, Natalie, Gaurav Khanna, Corinne Low, Manisha Shah, and Alessandra Voena. “Women’s Wellbeing during a Pandemic and its Containment.” Journal of Development Economics 156 (2022): 102839.
Gershoni, Naomi and Corinne Low. “Older yet Fairer: How Extended Reproductive Time Horizons Reshaped Marriage Patterns in Israel.” AEJ: Applied Economics 13, no. 1 (2021): 198-234.
Gershoni, Naomi and Corinne Low. “The Power of Time: The Impact of Free IVF on Women’s Human Capital Investments.” European Economic Review 133 (2021): 103645.
Kessler, Judd, Corinne Low and Monica Singhal. “Social Policy Instruments and the Compliance Environment.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 192 (2021): 248-267.
Ashraf, Nava, Natalie Bau, Corinne Low, and Kathleen McGinn. “Negotiating a Better Future: How Interpersonal Skills Facilitate Inter-Generational Investment.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 135, no. 2 (2020): 1095-1151.
Kessler, Judd, Corinne Low, and Colin Sullivan. “Incentivized Resume Rating: Eliciting Employer Preferences without Deception.” American Economic Review 109, no. 11 (2019, lead article): 3713-3744.
Huang, Jennie and Corinne Low. “Trumping Norms: Lab Evidence on Aggressive Communication, Before and After the 2016 Presidential Election.” American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings (2017).
Lafortune, Jeanne, and Corinne Low. “Tying the Double-Knot: The Role of Assets in Marriage Commitment.” American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings (2017).
Gross, Tal, Jeanne Lafortune, and Corinne Low. “What Happens the Morning After? The Costs and Benefits of Expanding Access to Emergency Contraception.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 33, no. 1 (2014): 70-93.
(Winner of the 2014 Vernon Memorial Award for best research article published in JPAM)
Hancock, Kyle, Jeanne Lafortune and Corinne Low. “Winning the Bread and Baking It Too.” NBER Working Paper no. 33393 (2025).
Exley, Christine, Raymond Fisman, Judd Kessler, Louis-Pierre Lepage, Xiaomeng Li, Corinne Low, Xiaoyue Shan, Mattie Toma, and Basit Zafar. “Information-Optional Policies and the Gender Concealment Gap.” NBER Working Paper no. 32350 (2024).
Bau, Natalie, Corinne Low, Bryce Steinberg, and David Henning. “Family Planning, Now and Later: Infertility Fears and Contraceptive Take-Up.” NBER Working Paper no. 32735 (2024).
Bau, Natalie, Gaurav Khanna, Corinne Low, and Alessandra Voena. “Traditional Institutions in Modern Times: Dowries as Pensions when Sons Migrate.” NBER Working Paper no. 31176 (2023).
(R&R at The Quarterly Journal of Economics)
Botea, Ioana, Andrew Brudevold-Newman, Markus Goldstein, Corinne Low, and Gareth Roberts. “Supporting Women’s Livelihoods at Scale: Evidence from a Nationwide Multi-Faceted Program.” NBER Working Paper no. 31625 (2023).